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Cerro Quemado (Almolonga), Guatemala
Figure in a journal article
Areas of potential hazards from lateral blasts, debris avalanche and debris flow, and tephra fall at Cerro Quemado, Guatemala.
Figure 7 in: Conway, F. M., Vallance, J. W., Rose, W. I., Johns, G. W., & Paniagua, S. (1992). Cerro Quemado, Guatemala: the volcanic history and hazards of an exogenous volcanic dome complex. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 52(4), p. 303-323.

Cerro Quemado (Almolonga), Guatemala
Figure in a journal article
Areas of potential hazards from lava flow, pyroclastic flow, and associated ash cloud at Cerro Quemado, Guatemala.
Figure 6 in: Conway, F. M., Vallance, J. W., Rose, W. I., Johns, G. W., & Paniagua, S. (1992). Cerro Quemado, Guatemala: the volcanic history and hazards of an exogenous volcanic dome complex. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 52(4), p. 303-323.