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El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
BA hazard maps displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by BA
Figure 8 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
BA hazard maps displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by BA
Figure 8 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive size and vent location) PS hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PS
Figure 10 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive size and vent location) PS hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PS
Figure 10 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) PF hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PFs
Figure 11 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) PF hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PFs
Figure 11 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 100 kg/m²
Figure 6 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 100 kg/m²
Figure 6 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 250 kg/m²
Figure 7 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 250 kg/m²
Figure 7 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Development of Arequipa over time near the torrenteras indicates the importance of understanding flood hazards
Figure 8 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.
Figure in a journal article
Development of Arequipa over time near the torrenteras indicates the importance of understanding flood hazards
Figure 8 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Example of uncertainty on hazard maps for tephra load exceeding 100 kg/m² for the dry (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) and rainy (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) seasons
Figure 12 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
Figure in a journal article
Example of uncertainty on hazard maps for tephra load exceeding 100 kg/m² for the dry (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) and rainy (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) seasons
Figure 12 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.
El Misti, Peru
Figure in a journal article
Flood inundation extents of 100-year peak flows
Figure 5 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.
Figure in a journal article
Flood inundation extents of 100-year peak flows
Figure 5 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.
El Misti, Peru
Official, Map sheet or poster
Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti
(Misti Volcano Hazards Map)
Mariño, J., Rivera, M., Cacya, L., Thouret, J.-C., Macedo, L., Salas, G., Siebe, C., Tilling, R., Sheridan, M., Chávez, A., & Zuñiga, S. (2008). Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti. Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET), Direccion de Geologia Ambiental y Riesgo.
Official, Map sheet or poster
Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti
(Misti Volcano Hazards Map)
Mariño, J., Rivera, M., Cacya, L., Thouret, J.-C., Macedo, L., Salas, G., Siebe, C., Tilling, R., Sheridan, M., Chávez, A., & Zuñiga, S. (2008). Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti. Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET), Direccion de Geologia Ambiental y Riesgo.
Southern Peru (regional), Chile-Peru, Peru
Official, Map sheet or poster
Mapa Preliminar de Zonificación de Peligros Volcanicos - Sur del Perú
(Preliminary Map of Volcanic Hazards Zoning - Southern Peru)
Comisión Multisectorial de Reducción de Riesgos en el Desarrollo (CMRRD) & Dirección General de Programación Multianual del Sector Público - MEF (DGPM) (2003). Mapa preliminar de zonificación de peligros volcánicos - Sur del Perú. Estrategía Nacional de Reducción de Riesgos para el Desarrollo. Escala 1:3000000
Official, Map sheet or poster
Mapa Preliminar de Zonificación de Peligros Volcanicos - Sur del Perú
(Preliminary Map of Volcanic Hazards Zoning - Southern Peru)
Comisión Multisectorial de Reducción de Riesgos en el Desarrollo (CMRRD) & Dirección General de Programación Multianual del Sector Público - MEF (DGPM) (2003). Mapa preliminar de zonificación de peligros volcánicos - Sur del Perú. Estrategía Nacional de Reducción de Riesgos para el Desarrollo. Escala 1:3000000
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