Fig. 12 a Shows the scoria cone density/km². b Explosion crater density/km² is depicted. Each square corresponds to 1 km2. c Shows scoria cones density map (with overlapping rectangle-shaped cells), the point map used for calculation, and the area with the highest observed volcanic edifice density.
San Martín, Mexico, 2014
Figure 12 in: Sieron, K., Capra, L., & Rodríguez-Elizararrás, S. (2014). Hazard assessment at San Martín volcano based on geological record, numerical modeling, and spatial analysis. Natural hazards, 70(1), 275-297.
This hazard map is the result of scientific research and was published in academic literature.
It is presented here to serve as an example of the map type or the map-making methodology. It is NOT the official, operational map. For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.
Click on thumbnail for full-size map. We do not have copyright permission to display the full-size image. If you are the copyright holder and wish to provide copyright, please contact us at If link seems broken, try the archived version.
Sieron, K., Capra, L., & Rodríguez-Elizararrás, S. (2014). Hazard assessment at San Martín volcano based on geological record, numerical modeling, and spatial analysis. Natural hazards, 70(1), 275-297. Set
Other Maps In Set:
Map Data
Map ID 3386 Hazard Process(es) Vent-opening hazards Hazard Zone Presentation Single hazard: A single hazard process is represented on a series of small map panels of similar sizes Temporal Scale Background, or long-term, map Spatial Scale Volcano and surrounding area Publication Format Figure in a journal article Zonation Method(s) Spatial modeling Zonation Model(s) Generic spatial density model (No reference) Scenario(s) Considered No scenarios were discernable from the map Hazard Zone Label(s) Estimated value or Hazard Impact Metric Probability Definition(s) No probability definition was discernable from the map Purpose Scientific interest: Intended for scientific research and general scientific interest; usually published in academic journals Audience Scientists (usually in scientific publication) Language(s) English Basemap(s) Simple or sketch map Basemap overlay(s) Diemsionality Planimetric (2D or map) view Color Scheme Dark to Light (color)