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Figure in a journal article
Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Official, Map sheet or poster
Peligros Volcanicos de Chile
(Volcanic Hazards of Chile)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Figure in a journal article
Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Figure in a journal article
Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Figure in a journal article
Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Figure in a journal article
Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.