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Campi Flegrei Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla"

Campi Flegrei Delimitation Map of the "Yellow Zone"

Campi Flegrei, Italy, 2015

Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2015). Campi Flegrei Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla" - Aggiornamento Pianificazione Nazionale di Emergenza per Rischio Vulcanico.

This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map. For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.

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Map Data

Map ID1509
Hazard Process(es)PDCs; Tephra fall
Hazard Zone PresentationHazard level-focused: All or most hazards are combined by hazard level on a main map panel
Temporal ScaleBackground, or long-term, map
Spatial ScaleVolcano and surrounding area
Publication FormatMap sheet or poster
Zonation Method(s)Geologic history; Scenario modeling
Zonation Model(s)Unknown tephra model (Unknown reference)
Scenario(s) ConsideredSize, VEI, or intensity; Style or type
Hazard Zone Label(s)Numeric probability; Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low)
Probability Definition(s)Numeric probability; Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low)
PurposeLand-use planning: Intended to inform citing of facilities, building restrictions, resource management, and infrastructure development
AudienceMultiple audiences (usually the public, civil authorities, and land-use planners)
Basemap(s)Administrative boundaries (e.g. county, park, intl.)
Basemap overlay(s)
DiemsionalityPlanimetric (2D or map) view
Color SchemeRed to Blue
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