Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA)
Recommended Map of G. Ile Lewotolo NTT Province (Level III/STANDBY)
Lewotolo (Lewotolok), Indonesia, 2024
Pusat Vulanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG). (2024). Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA). Penyampaian Peningkatan Tingkat Aktivitas G. Ili Lewotolok, Nusa Tenggara Timur dari Level I (Waspada) ke Level I (Siaga) tanggal 27 Februari 2024 Pukul 10:00 WITA.
This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map.
For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.
Click on image for full-size map. If link seems broken, try the archived version.
Map Data
Map ID 4153 Hazard Process(es) Access or danger zone; Ballistics; Gas; Lahars; Lava flows; PDCs; Rockfalls; Tephra fall Hazard Zone Presentation Grouped by process (e.g. flowage/fall hazards) on a main map panel Temporal Scale Crisis, or short-term, map (hours to decades) Spatial Scale Volcano and surrounding area Publication Format Part of an information statement, bulletin, or other alert product Zonation Method(s) Derived/simplified from another map; Geologic history Zonation Model(s) Scenario(s) Considered Current conditions; Style or type Hazard Zone Label(s) Access (exclusion, danger, or safe zones); Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low) Probability Definition(s) Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low) Purpose Crisis management and response: Intended to be used for managing, responding to, and taking action during an eruption; often includes evacuation routes, access restrictions, actions to take, etc. Audience Multiple audiences (usually the public, civil authorities, and land-use planners) Language(s) Bahasa Indonesia Basemap(s) Hillshade Basemap overlay(s) Diemsionality Planimetric (2D or map) view Color Scheme Red to Yellow