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Zonificación de peligro asociado a la acumulación de 1 cm de material piroclástico de caída y curvas de isoprobabilidad de acumulación de 10 cm de piroclastos de caída provenientes del Volcán Melimoyu, considerando una erupción pliniana con IEV ≥5, similar a las erupciones MEL-1 y MEL-2

Hazard zoning associated with the accumulation of 1 cm of falling pyroclastic material and isoprobability curves of accumulation of 10 cm of falling pyroclasts from the Melimoyu Volcano, considering a Plinian eruption with VEI ≥5, similar to the MEL-1 and MEL-2 eruptions

Melimoyu, Chile, 2023

Figure 15 in: Bono, L., Perales, C., Jorquera, C., Burgos, V. (2023). Peligros del Volcán Melimoyu, región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 42: 64 p., 1 mapa escala 1:75.000. Santiago

This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map. For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.

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Map Set

Bono, L., Perales, C., Jorquera, C., Burgos, V. (2023). Peligros del Volcán Melimoyu, región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 42: 64 p., 1 mapa escala 1:75.000. Santiago

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Map Data

Map ID4237
Hazard Process(es)Tephra fall
Hazard Zone PresentationSingle hazard: A single hazard process is represented on a main map panel
Temporal ScaleBackground, or long-term, map
Spatial ScaleVolcano and surrounding area
Publication FormatFigure in a hazard assessment or mitigation plan
Zonation Method(s)Probabilistic modeling
Zonation Model(s)TephraProb (Biass et al. 2016)
Scenario(s) ConsideredSeason or weather; Size, VEI, or intensity; Source location or direction; Specific past eruption; Style or type
Hazard Zone Label(s)Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low)
Probability Definition(s)Annual numeric probability
PurposeCrisis management and response: Intended to be used for managing, responding to, and taking action during an eruption; often includes evacuation routes, access restrictions, actions to take, etc.
AudienceMultiple audiences (usually the public, civil authorities, and land-use planners)
Basemap overlay(s)
DiemsionalityPlanimetric (2D or map) view
Color SchemeRed to Yellow
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