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Mt. Fuji Volcanic Hazard Map: Being Prepared for a Possible Eruption

Fujisan, Japan, 2007

Mt. Fuji Volcanic Disaster Prevention Conference. (2007). Mt. Fuji Volcanic Hazard Map: Being Prepared for a Possible Eruption.

This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map. For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.

Click on image for full-size map. If link seems broken, try the archived version.

Map Data

Map ID949
Hazard Process(es)Ballistics; Explosion hazards, unspecific; Lahars; Lava flows; PDCs; Vent-opening hazards
Hazard Zone PresentationHazard level-focused: All or most hazards are combined by hazard level on a main map panel
Temporal ScaleBackground, or long-term, map
Spatial ScalePart of volcano (flank or drainage)
Publication FormatMap sheet or poster
Zonation Method(s)Derived/simplified from another map
Zonation Model(s)
Scenario(s) ConsideredAlert levels; Season or weather
Hazard Zone Label(s)Access (exclusion, danger, or safe zones)
Probability Definition(s)Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low)
PurposeCrisis management and response: Intended to be used for managing, responding to, and taking action during an eruption; often includes evacuation routes, access restrictions, actions to take, etc.
AudienceTourists or visitors (often for national parks or hiking trails)
Basemap(s)Contour lines
Basemap overlay(s)Street map; Trail or hiking map
DiemsionalityPlanimetric (2D or map) view
Color SchemeRed to Yellow
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