Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Chichón
Chichón Volcano Hazard Map
El Chichón, Mexico, 2008
Macías, J.L., Capra, L., Arce, J.L., Espíndola, J.M., García-Palomo, A., & Sheridan, M.F. (2008). Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Chichón.
This map was produced by an official agency, but is NOT the most recent, most complete, or main operational map.
For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.
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Map Data
Map ID 965 Hazard Process(es) Lahars; PDCs; Surges; Tephra fall Hazard Zone Presentation Hazard process-focused: Most hazard processes are separated by hazard process type on a main map panel Temporal Scale Background, or long-term, map Spatial Scale Volcano and surrounding area Publication Format Map sheet or poster Zonation Method(s) Geologic history; Scenario modeling Zonation Model(s) Energy cone or line (Heim 1932; Sheridan 1979; Sheridan & Malin 1983); FLOW2D or FLOW3D (Sheridan & Macías 1992; Kover 1995); LAHARZ or modified version (such as PFZ) (Iverson et al. 1998; Schilling 1998; Schilling 2014); TITAN2D (Pitman et al. 2003; Patra et al. 2005) Scenario(s) Considered Size, VEI, or intensity; Specific past eruption Hazard Zone Label(s) Estimated value or Hazard Impact Metric; Hazard process name; Scenario name Probability Definition(s) No probability definition was discernable from the map Purpose Multiple: intended for multiple purposes including general hazard awareness, planning, and crisis management Audience Multiple audiences (usually the public, civil authorities, and land-use planners) Language(s) Spanish Basemap(s) Hillshade Basemap overlay(s) Street map Diemsionality Planimetric (2D or map) view Color Scheme Red to Yellow