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Long Valley Area, United States
Official, Figure on website
Air traffic routes (gray lines) through California and Nevada. Circle represents the tephra-fall hazard zone for a 1-cm thick deposit, which spreads about 300 km (186 mi) from the Long Valley area.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Air traffic routes (gray lines) through CA and Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Principal Air Routes Above 18,000 ft Near Long Valley, California.
Official, Figure on website
Air traffic routes (gray lines) through California and Nevada. Circle represents the tephra-fall hazard zone for a 1-cm thick deposit, which spreads about 300 km (186 mi) from the Long Valley area.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Air traffic routes (gray lines) through CA and Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Principal Air Routes Above 18,000 ft Near Long Valley, California.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards.
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards.
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Long Valley-Mono Lake Area, United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of potential volcanic hazards in the central part of the Long Valley-Mono Lake area
Figure 2 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of potential volcanic hazards in the central part of the Long Valley-Mono Lake area
Figure 2 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Long Valley-Mono-Inyo Craters Area, United States
Official, Figure on website
Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.
Official, Figure on website
Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.
California (regional), United States
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
Official, Figure in hazard assessment
Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.
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